Q: What is the best way to contact you for an estimate?
A: You can call (858) 541-2623 between 7am and 4pm Monday thru Friday to set up an appointment for your FREE No Obligation Estimate or email us at [email protected].
Q: Can I speak to someone if I have a question about services?
A: You can call us on (858) 541-2623. Monday to Friday: 7am - 4pm. We may record calls to help improve our service to you.
Q: Can you build coolers to fit my specific size and temperature requirements?
A: Absolutely! Our shop has sheet metal equipment so we have the capabilities to prefab custom enclosures, base coving and other items that may be needed on short notice.
Q: What does 24/7 Emergency Service entail?
A: For after hours service call (858) 541-2623 and our on call technician will contact your for service.
24/7 Emergency Services from Factory Trained Technicians
24/7 Helpline
(858) 541-2623
Why Ace Coolers
Installing Custom Built Cooling Solutions, Scheduled Maintenance and Emergency Service for clients in the following industries.